Page name: Be My Valentine [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-14 15:54:41
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
# of watchers: 16
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Roses are red...violets are blue....honey is sweet..

This wiki is dedicated to the holiday 'Valentine’s Day', a day that I associate not just with romance but also friendship, so here is your chance to tell the ones you loves, well that you love them. All you need do is fill out the form below and send to me, I shall add it to a private wiki then on Valentine’s day me and my lovely little cupids shall send it out to the person of your desire. Think of it like an online valentine’s day card, there is NO LIMIT to the amount of valentines you can said and feel free to write whatever you like.

Also special love is given to those who send [Rice] or any of her little Cupids a Valentine ;D

TO: (Insert desired username)

Add your valentines days feelings here!

FROM: (Your username or you can leave it anonymous)

Super Secret Wiki Of Love

OWNER: [Rice] and her arrow of love, prepare to be SHOT!

Little Cupids:

[~Crimson Angel~]

[Alexi Ice]

All Valentines shall be sent out on February the 14th, I shall stop taking Valentines to send on the 13th so get them in quickly ducklings!
Invite all your friends so we can send the love, also if you wish to help out and be one of my special little cupids then send me a message.


Username (or number or email):


2010-02-03 [sweet.tx.tea]: This is an adorable idea. <3

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cute, I like it.

2010-02-03 [Pretaya]: This is adorable.

2010-02-03 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Great idea. :) Very sweet.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: I wish I could help! Unfortunatly, I will be at a wedding on the 14th. I will, however, want to send out some cards!

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's wedding?

2010-02-03 [Pretaya]: Weddings make me sad.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: My aunt is getting Married.

MusicalNeed - I know what you mean >.<

2010-02-03 [Pretaya]: Congratulations for your aunt!

Yeah, it's pretty much ridiculous.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: Yeah...whoo hoo.

Especially since I, myself, can't find nor keep a date for shit. LOL <3

2010-02-03 [Pretaya]: I've never been on a real date and I'm 21 years old.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: I'm nineteen and have the same problem <3

2010-02-03 [Pretaya]: I'm glad someone understands.

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Congrats for your aunt, why'd she pick Valentine's day for her wedding day?

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: IDK O.o She's off her rocker, I guess. They had to pay an infinate amout of cash for it.

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe she thought it'd be romantic.

2010-02-03 [Fallen Child Athena]: Who do I pm for this O//O

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Huh?

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: [Rice]

And yeah, maybe

2010-02-03 [†Sweets†]: aw. cute

2010-02-03 [Fallen Child Athena]: :D yay I sent a valentine :D

2010-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Coolness!

2010-02-03 [Rice]: Just got through all my messages and all the valentines have been added to the secret wiki 8)
Keep them coming.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: I need to make long do we have?

2010-02-03 [Rice]: It does say up there.
Feb 13th.

2010-02-03 [Alexi Ice]: <Lazy> Ok, thanks <3

2010-02-03 [Rice]: S'alright.

2010-02-03 [Rice]: Any valentines day bashing comments shall be deleted 8D

2010-02-03 [Duke Devlin]: Oooo my lover, may I be one of your Little Cupids? :) <3

2010-02-03 [Rice]: OF COURSE... ;D

2010-02-03 [Duke Devlin]: Awesome. :D Thank you ;D

2010-02-03 [Rice]: OMG..
I dress like Lady Gaga and my little CUpis where those white outfits the back up dancers wear in bad Romance.

2010-02-03 [Duke Devlin]: XD Haha I feel compelled to draw it. =/ How odd. D:

2010-02-03 [Rice]: DRAW IT OMG XD..It would totally go in my house.

2010-02-03 [Duke Devlin]: XD I'll try. ;D

2010-02-03 [Nioniel]: Oooohhh...


2010-02-03 [twitchboy]: my comment was in honest jest i love valentines day

2010-02-03 [Rice]: Thats better 8D here have a cookie!

2010-02-03 [sweet.tx.tea]: *smirks* I can see Duke doing that creepy cat hiss/Thriller-like move. It makes me giggle.

2010-02-04 [Pretaya]: The truth for me is, I love Valentine's Day. I pretend I don't in my "real life" because I never have a special someone to celebrate it with.

2010-02-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw, I never have either. *hugs*

2010-02-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i should be celebrating it and than four days after would be 6 months....but aparently im just not perfect enough for him.

2010-02-04 [Rook.]: : / thats never good.

2010-02-04 [Pretaya]: You are way too good for him, Rachel.
*hugs Misty back*

2010-02-05 [Alexi Ice]: I don't like Valentines day, it's commercial. *hugs Rachel* I love you, so it's ok!

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: *hugs everyone*

2010-02-05 [Pretaya]: *hugs everyone with Misty*

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Everyone needs a hug.

2010-02-05 [Pretaya]: Hugging should be an Olympic sport. I'd win that one!

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Would you?

2010-02-05 [Pretaya]: I would. My hugs are marathon hugs.

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Mine are warm and loving.

2010-02-05 [Pretaya]: They are warm and loving, I just don't let go until I've had my fill of the hug which can last for hours if people let me.

2010-02-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Same here.

2010-02-05 [Pretaya]: That's awesome.

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